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Emotional Intelligence: Benefit from the ability to sense, understand, and apply the acumen of emotions to connect, inform and influence others.

Speaking Expertise: Benefit from the capacity to genuinely connect with your audience, convey your message coherently, and effect the kind of change and performance you intend.

Facilitation Competence: Benefit from leading a team/group with purpose that is clearly stated, having the right people in every meeting, and understanding process (the UNwritten agenda), so work gets done on time, with quality results that more than satisfy the customer.

Workforce Resilience: Benefit from being able to model and teach the ability to bounce back, recover strength, spirits, and good humor despite unexpected catastrophe and chaos. Make resilience more than just a concept—make it a way of being in the world that people crave.

Corporate Culture: Benefit from growing a corporate culture that drives your people to share their good ideas, work their butts off, and bring performance excellence to a new height.

Leadership and Communication Consulting

Bring out leadership skills within the entire workforce and promote communication practices that are concise, open, and produce results. The business practices that this can be applied to include:
  • Mastery in Meeting Management and facilitation
  • Hiring and keeping the right people
  • Speeding up quality outcomes on projects
  • Developing best practices among management and executive staff
  • Integrating Emotional Intelligence competencies
  • Creating a Resilient Workforce
  • Managing (and lowering) stress in the work place, and
  • Creating balance in the midst of rampant change
Customized Consultation
Learn how to bring your people together in cohesive teams to make decisions and to manifest change that will alleviate stress, better meet organizational needs, stimulate growth, and increase profitability.
Tired of yet another round of interviews? Unable to keep people for more than a year?

Benefits of Inspired Hiring Process

  • Group interviews with candidates saves time and money
  • Interviews are lively and more energizing
  • Staff stretch their self-awareness and interactive skills
  • Staff describe and model company philosophy
  • Candidates hear and witness company values before they get hired
  • Greater fit between candidate and company occurs at the time of interview
  • People build greater connection to the company early on
  • Increased staff retention
Meetings out of control? Not getting enough action from time spent in meetings?

Benefits of a Meeting Appraisal

  • Clearer decision-making and problem-solving
  • Staff more aligned with meeting purpose
  • People define themselves as right for the task and generate elegant solutions
  • People wondering "What am I doing here?" stops
  • Greater understanding of the whole system
  • Teams become energized as they learn about the process agenda
  • Lively enthusiasm returns to every meeting
Too much caustic humor and resentment? Leaders unable to motivate others?

Emotional Intelligence (Training, Coaching, or Consulting)Benefit from the ability to sense, understand, and apply the acumen of emotions to connect, inform and influence others.

  • People become alert to the symptoms of the emotional virus
  • Self-Awareness and self-regulation increase
  • Emotions become an asset to every-day interactions
  • Tools of emotional management become a practice which supports progress and creativity
  • People become more responsible for eradicating the emotional virus within the company
  • Greater productivity and satisfaction is experienced
People complaining of too much stress? Absenteeism rising while productivity plummets?

Benefits of Balance and Well-Being (Training, Coaching, or Consulting)

  • Staff learn simple tools for managing stress in-the-moment
  • Repeated concept shifts become easier to manage and stress-free
  • All meetings, project sessions, and natural interactions integrate simple one-minute tools to manage stress and create clarity of thought
  • Practice of the tools create balance in the autonomic nervous system, hormonal system, and immune system—people stay healthier and happier
Falling below projected goals? Staff not producing to customer satisfaction?

Benefits of Workforce Resiliency

  • Staff production moves from surviving to thriving
  • Adaptability flourishes even with sustained pressure, chaos, and complexity
  • Leaders find more success in motivating their staff
  • People are more focused with a clear vision of what they want to achieve
  • Uncertainty is met with positive, flexible thinking
  • Change is sought and embraced rather than defended against
Customized Presentations
AuthentiCore will design and deliver a presentation to your organization spanning an hour or an entire day. We can speak effectively on encouraging workplace creativity, staff motivation, techniques to reduce stress and stimulate the imagination, and many other related topics.

Copyright 2003 AuthentiCore